Under Blogs you can find Universities, Colleges and bursaries that are still open for applications


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Prospective students who passed with a bachelor's degree, diploma or higher certificate endorsement can apply for higher certificates courses keeping in mind they meet the other requirements. The minimum duration of higher certificate qualifications at unisa is 1 year but students can finish their higher certificates qualifications in 3 years depending on the number of modules taken a year.

Higher certificates serve as bridging courses for students who do not meet the requirements of diploma/degree courses. These qualifications are done for a minimum of one year giving students a strong foundation of the degree qualification. Students who are applying for higher certificates at unisa need to keep in mind of the follow on qualifications they can do after they have successfully completed their higher certificate courses. Below are the requirement of higher certificates qualifications that do not require maths along with their follow on qualifications. You can download the full PDF file of all the higher certificate qualifications with their follow on qualifications https://www.acanet.co.za/medias/unisa-higher-certficate-follow-on-qaulifications/

Higher Certificate in Accounting Science
APS: 14
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualification 
Advanced diploma in accounting sciences

Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare
APS: 15
English: 2
Life science/agricultural science: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualification:
Diploma in animal health

Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualification:
Diploma in animal health 
Diploma in nature conversation
Diploma in horticulture


Higher Certificate in Banking
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on course/qualification:
Diploma in administrative management


Higher Certificate in Economics and Management Sciences
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualification:
Diploma in explosive management


Higher Certificate in Marketing 
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualification:
Diploma in Human Resource Management


Higher Certificate in Retailing
APS: 15
English: 2Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualification
Diploma in local government finance

Higher Certificate in Tourism Management
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on course/qualification:
Diploma in public administration and management


Higher Certificate in Education (Foundation Phase and Intermediate Phase)
APS: 18
English: 3
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualifications:
BEd in foundation phase
BEd in intermediate phase

Higher Certificate in Education. (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training)
APS: 18
English: 3
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on course/qualification:
BEd in senior and FET phase


Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualifications:
Bachelor of Arts 99311
BA in Communication Science
BA in Community Development 
BA in Creative Writing (Take note 
additional Requirements)
BA in Development Studies 
BA in Government, Admin & Development
BA in International Relations 
BA in Policy Studies 
BA in Political Leadership & Citizenship
BA in Politics, Philosophy & Economics
BA in Visual Multimedia Arts (Take note of the additional requirements)
Bachelor of Music 
(Take note of the additional requirements)
Bachelor of Information Science 
Bachelor of Theology 
Diploma in Public Relations


Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work
APS: 15
English: 2
1. A police clearance for criminal convictions checks aligned with the definition of a 'fit and proper person by the South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP). Applicants must submit this clearance certificate at the time of application.
2. Two testimonials from credible sources, such as a school leader or a community leader.
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on course/qualification: 
Bachelor of social work

Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualifications:
Any bachelor degree or diploma 
offered by the College of Law

Higher Certificate in Law
APS: 15
English: 2
Duration: 1 year
Closing date: 15 October 
Follow on courses/qualifications:
Diploma in Corrections Management 
Diploma in Law 
Diploma in Policing 
Diploma in Security Management 
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology 
Bachelor of Arts in Forensic 
Science & Technology
Bachelor of Arts in Police Science 
Bachelor of Commerce in Law 
Bachelor of Laws


Prospective students who passed with a bachelor's degree or a diploma endorsement can apply for diploma courses keeping in mind they meet the other requirements. Applicants who obtained a higher certificate in their NSC do not qualify for diploma courses and should opt for higher certificate qualifications. The minimum duration of diploma courses at unisa is 3 years but students can finish their diplomas in 8 years depending on the number of modules taken a year.

Diploma in Tourism Management
English: 4
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: Travel agent, tour operator, guest services, tourism information services, education and training, sight-seeing tours and recreation, tourism 
information services.

Diploma in Grade R Teaching
APS: 18
English: 3
proof of employment in Grade R is required as per the Department of Basic Education requirement of the qualification.
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: Grade R teacher in public and private primary schools and early childhood development centres

Diploma in Public Relations
English: 4
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: Clerk, public official manager.

Diploma in Corrections Management
English: 4
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: application: 15 June.
Possible careers: Correctional services official, skills development officer, 
manager, a security official.

Diploma in Law
APS: 18
English: 4
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: paralegals in law firms, paralegals at justice centres (Legal Aid Board), paralegals at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court, etc

Diploma in Policing
APS: 18
English: 4
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: Employee of SAPS, reservist, security occupation community 
policing, municipal and metro police and a private investigator

Diploma in Security Management
APS: 18
English: 4
Duration: 3 years
Closing date: 15 October 
Job opportunities: Border Patrol Agent, Bounty Hunter, Emergency Management Director, Federal Protective Service Agent, Private Investigator, Secret Service Agent, Security Guard.


How to upload documents at UNISA

Upload supporting documents
Everyone applying for a new qualification must submit the required documents (all first-time applicants and Unisa students starting a new qualification). The due date for uploading the required documents is the closing date for applications. No documents submitted after the closing date for applications will be accepted.

Unisa does not provide scanners or electronic devices. Please ensure that your documents are scanned and uploaded to an electronic device before starting the application process.
All applicants starting a new qualification must upload all the required documents, which generally consists of the following:

Copy of your school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate, National Senior Certificate)
Copy of your official tertiary academic record(s) (if applicable) (internet copies will not be accepted)
Copy of your ID document (RSA students) or ID / passport (international students)
Copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable) or divorce decree (if applicable)
Sworn translations of documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans
*  We urge all Unisa students who previously applied prior to 2016 to upload all the required documents. Failure to do so may result in a delay in processing your application.

** Some qualifications may require additional documents. Unisa reserves the right to request original documents and / to verify the correctness of submitted documents at any time. Submitting fraudulent documents is an offence in terms of the Student Disciplinary Code.

I am sure that my documents are scanned according to the rules
Follow the instructions carefully when completing the online application process. Only upload the required documents as individual files and not a complete set of documents as one file. Please ensure that the documents and images you upload are clear.
Files may not be larger than 2MB (2048KB) each.
Only black and white documents may be submitted.
Only the following file types are allowed: PDF (Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format file), DOC (Word document file) or TIF (image file




How to pay unisa application fee


Pay the application fee once you've received a student number from Unisa
R120 for online applications
Use the student number you receive from Unisa AND the application fee reference number (ie STUDENTNUMBER 5370810030)
Send the proof of payment to [email protected]
Visit www.unisa.ac.za/paymentinfo for banking details and payment information.
This fee is non-refundable even if you decide not to study through Unisa, do not qualify for admission to Unisa or cannot be offered a space due to limited spaces available. Unisa does not accept cash at any of its offices.

The due date for the application fee is the closing date for the application period. Any application submitted without an application fee paid on time will not be processed. Please ensure that you keep a copy of your proof of payment.

Make sure that your application is complete
If your application for admission to study through Unisa is incomplete, you will have to re-apply during the next application period

Bank deposit

Cash and direct bank deposits can be made at any First National Bank (FNB) in South Africa

if you already have a student number
in respect of fees, for example: study fees, examination fees (supplementary, sick or special exam fees), exemption fees and library charges
provided that the deposit slip is correctly filled in as follows:
Deposit reference: first eight (8) blocks are for the student number (If the student number consists of only 7 digits, then a “0” must be filled in as the first digit of the student number) leave one block open, then fill in the code number 5400374721 for study fees, 3000774039 for SBL student fees, 5400374225 for library fees or 5352X74608 for Matriculation Exemption fees
Ensure that the deposit slip is correctly filled in as follows:
Deposit to: Unisa Student Fees
Bank account number: Unisa Student Fees
Deposit reference: first eight (8) blocks are for the student number (If the student number consists of only 7 digits, then a “0” must be filled in as the first digit of the student number). Leave one block open, then fill in the following codes:
5400374721 for study fees
3000774039 for SBL student fees
5400374225 for library fees
5352X74608 for matriculation exemption fees
5370810030 for the application fee
5400315164 for access cards
Please note:

Should any of the information on the bank deposit slip be incomplete or incorrect, the transaction will not be processed by the bank and/or may cause a delay in the allocation or transfer of funds to your account and as such the university cannot be held liable for delays caused.
Payments will be allocated within two (2) to ten (10) working days to the study fees account, provided that all the information on the deposit slip is correct.
No cheques are accepted.

Click here to pay application fee





UNISA Short Learning Programmes are NOW OPEN!!

The University of South Africa (UNISA) is a public Higher Education Institution (HEI) and operates in accordance with the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997.  UNISA, in terms of this Act, does not require a provider registration number from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) or the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

All formal qualifications offered by UNISA are approved by the DHET, accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

As an accredited Higher Education Institution, UNISA is permitted to present Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) to SLP participants. Short Courses are non-credit bearing and are offered outside of the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF). Most short courses do not lead to formal qualifications presented on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). UNISA offers Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) outside its formal structured undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Our SLP’s are quality assured and presented in accordance with the CHE’s guidelines as published in “A Good Practice Guide for the Quality Management of Short Courses Offered Outside of the Higher Education Qualifications Sub- Framework”. In line with the aforementioned Good Practice Guide, Universities offering Short Courses outside of the HEQSF will no longer include NQF and Credit levels on certificates issued to students.

Short Learning Programmes offered by UNISA focuses on “just-in-time” and “just enough” learning to meet a specific learning need identified by society. This need can focus on enabling access to other Short Learning Programmes or to improve access to the study of formal qualifications at UNISA, promote the principle of “Lifelong Learning” or address a specific need in the workplace.

Click here to apply online

Short Learning Programmes offered at UNISA can update or broaden skills and knowledge in a specific area to enable lifelong learning. In this manner, Short Learning Programmes assist students with their continuing professional development by upgrading their skills and knowledge in newly developed areas or by sharing the results of research.

The cooperation and support of Colleges and other structures that develop and deliver short course, is essential in ensuring the integrity of the process and activities across the short course value chain in an institution. Short Learning Programmes at Unisa are offered through seven academic colleges; namely:

College of Accounting Sciences
College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
College of Economic and Management Sciences
College of Education
College of Human Sciences
College of Law
College of Science Engineering and Technology
Other Strategic Centres

Click here to apply online 


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