Umalusi accredits private providers of education and training as well as private assessment bodies to offer tuition and/or assessment for qualification(s) on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework (GFETQSF).
key word: Accredited : give authority or sanction to (someone or something) when recognized standards have been met.
This means that Umalusi accredits the following institutions:
In accrediting institutions Umalusi is guided by policy documents that contain criteria for accreditation for each institutional type.
Umalusi does not accredit public providers.
Instead, Umalusi monitors and reports on the quality of the qualifications and curricula used in public schools, TVET colleges and Adult Learning Centres, and externally monitors the national assessment system.
Registration and Accreditation – the relationship
Umalusi is mandated to accredit private providers of education and training, and assessment bodies. The accreditation process is closely linked and dependent on the process of registration with the state which private providers of education and training (schools, FET colleges and adult learning centres) are obliged to comply with the South African Constitution. Private assessment bodies are not currently required to register with the State.
Registration grants the private provider the license to operate in South Africa. Accreditation on the other hand is a status granted to a private provider at the end of a quality assurance process and attests to the quality of provision offered. Private providers are accredited to offer / assess specific qualifications on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Framework.
click on this like to check if a private college is Legally registered.
AcaNet Team